Jutland Heath Cup 2022
We had a nice Jutland Heath Cup and Danish Championship with superp weather and termal. And the highest number of flyers in Denmark in many years. You can see the results from both contest in the link below.
The scorebord with the results from Jutland Heath Cup and Danish Championship.
Congratulations to the winners in JHC
F1A: Erik Niemierski F1B: Karl Desinger F1Q: Oleksander Maksymov F1S: Per Grunnet
And the winners in Danish Championship together with the Danish Champs
F1A: Maarten van Dijk F1B: Karl Desinger F1Q: Per Grunnet F1S: Per Grunnet
F1A: Jes Nyhegn F1B: Steffen Jensen F1Q: Per Grunnet F1S: Per Grunnet


F1A podie

The winner in F1B


A lovely day on Kongenshus Mindepark