Danish Cup 2024 in Denmark

Peter waiting for the right moment, with help from Tom and Karsten

Thomas Otte with Leif model

Per start his F1S

Sometimes freeflight is more relaxing than hard work

Everybody timing

Peter throw his F1Q
This year Danish Cup was only Danes, because of many other contests. We had nice warm weather, up to 25 c. You can see the wind of the day from Karup airport only 10 km south of us.
The first two rounds proved tricky or maybe it was the lunchbreak that gave the energy and termal, which secured more maxes during the afternoon.
In F1A Lars did a nice job in the first 4 rounds before making it exciting in the last round with a small drop, but to Lars luck he still got the win 9 seconds in front of Leif.
In F1Q we where flying with 2 Joule motor, making it a bit more challenging. Peter dropped as the last in 4. round, but was still able to win with a max in fifth, which he got.
Per was alone in F1S, maybe he focused a bit more on F1Q, only getting 3 maxes in F1S.
No one clean meant an early break and time to enjoy the beautifull evening and relax for the danish nationals sunday.

Pricegiving Danish Cup
Danish Cup 2024 result
F1A: Lars Buch Jensen
F1Q: Peter Buchwald
F1S: Per Grunnet

Average windspead during the contest

Invitation 2024
We would like to invite you to participate in this International World Cup event, to be held on a protected heath area, - a national park open to the public.
DATE September 7, 2024 (reserve day Sunday, September 8th)
PLACE Kongenshus Memorial Park, near Viborg, Jutland, Denmark. Signs to the field from: Kongenshus Hotel, Vestre Skivevej 142, 8800 Viborg. 56°23'21.3"N 9°09'01.0"E Time
TIME Briefing at 8.30 on the field. The competition will be 5 rounds from 9.00. Flying time and length of rounds depending on weather conditions.
CONTEST DIRECTOR Leif Nielsen, tel. + 45 61 66 33 42
CONTEST RULES FAI sporting Code. No official timekeepers, the participants must time each other. A participant qualified for fly-off, must provide minimum 1 timekeeper for the Contest Directors distribution.
INTERNATIONAL JURY Jury is announced at the briefing
REGISTRATION Sign up. Send e-mail with name, country, disciplines, NAC & FAI ID no. to: Thomas Røjgaard, dk_mig@yahoo.dk, tel. +45 51 90 15 95
ENTRE FEE 30 € for seniors and 15 € for juniors to be paid at registration. Extra classes 10 € each.

We guarantee no snow and ice this year