Forsikring af udenlandske deltagere til arrangementer/stævner/flyvning fra godkendte modelflyvepladser:
Gæstepiloten skal være ansvarsforsikret fra sit hjemland, og skal medbringe bevis på at den er gyldig i Danmark.

Artikel 16 punkt 5 omhandler gæstepiloters flyvning fra godkendte modelflyvepladser.

Modelflyvning Danmark kan IKKE optage medlemmer med adresse udenfor Danmark.


English version:
Assurance of foreign participants in Danish competitions and events.

Guest pilots must bring evidence of valid insurance from his/her home country with coverage for injuries or damage to third party.

On top, the safety responsible person of the flying event has to check that:

  • Guest pilot has valid and appropriate model certificates/rating from his/her home country.
  • Insurance of the guest pilot is actually covering flying activity in Danish Airspace.
  • The models/drones of the guest pilot could potentially be accepted/approved in accordance to Danish rules and standards.

Insurance for non-danish citizens during long-term stay in Denmark. Non-Danish citizens can during long-term stay sign up for membership in Modelflyvning Danmark and enjoy the coverage by the collective insurance. Non-Danish citizen must have permanent resident in Denmark.